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by 조지초이 2023. 6. 17.






             Before starting the ‘Data Project’, our class has gone through several videos, texts, and examples to start our own data project. We have learned several things, but I believe the privacy in your phone apps, what good posters’ design have, and how your same topic can create different types of data based on your focus are the most important subjects that we have learned to proceed this ‘Data Project’.

             In my home country, South Korea, MBTI is a big thing among people because each categories tend to explain the actions they were taking very precisely, and for this project, I wanted to find out how activities, hours of sleep will affect my happiness who has MBTI of INFJ.

             To collect data, I have used diary app called ‘하루콩’ to collect how I felt each day and to collect hours of sleep I had, calendar app called ‘Naver calendar’ to check if I had outside activities each day, and Planit app to check inside work I had each day (school assignments). I have chosen these three apps to collect data for this project because these are the apps that I have been using several years and these are the apps that I believe it is safe to use without losing too much of my private information. For example, I did not see any recommendations in my SNS or shopping apps based on what I have put in these apps unlike the apps in the video ‘How your period app is making other people rich’ from YouTube. Also, I have chose these apps because I did not want to collect data by downloading new apps because if I encounter with new apps, I will need to learn about the new apps, and I am not so sure how these apps will use my information. Due to these facts, I have chosen these three apps to collect data and to finish my project.

              The result of my project was not what I was expecting. I thought, as an introvert person, spending my time charging myself at home would increase my happiness, but it seems like who I spend time with is much more important than the hours I spend. Also, from this result, I have learned I should have focused with little more detail because I am confident that the result will change when school semester starts. I did not include the fact that it is currently summer vacation, and I am back home from all the stress I had from two semesters at WSU. From this project I have learned how to collect data for my thesis and from the result I have learned that it is also important to consider any different consequences due to location and timing.





            ‘Curation Project’ was very interesting project that I have done because whenever I made Power Point Presentation for school projects, I never really thought about the copy rights of images, and this was my first time learning about the ‘public domain’. Due to this fact, I had some trouble looking up for the images and information about my chosen technology.

             When I chose the technology for this project, I have started by asking myself ‘what I like to do during my leisure time’, which was gaming. Since I was young, I loved to play games regardless of platforms, including Nintendo, Playstation, and PC. I thought it would be interesting if I research about the history of gaming devices from the past to now because I never thought deeply about gaming platforms while I was playing.

             However, my thought changed during the research. While I was searching for the history of gaming platforms, I wondered how digital/computer storage changed over period, because I remember how the size of the files I used to handle when I was young weren’t that big compared to size of the files I handle today. So, I switched my topic from the history of gaming platforms to the history of computer/digital storage and this topic also have connection to my hobby, because games require huge amount of data storage to play today.

             I have found out that there were several different types of storages including punch cards, drum memory, magnetic tape, core memory, hard drive, floppy disk, flash memory, and cloud. When I started the research, I assumed that only machines would work as computer/digital storage, but I have found out that even punch cards are part of the digital/computer storage. Throughout this project, I did not only learn about how to find information on public domain, but I have also learned about the history of digital/computer storage.















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          DTC 101 class, Digital Technology, was a very interesting class that I have taken so far at Washington State University. To be honest, the only reason I chose this class was to receive credit. However, as the class continued I have learned several new information and I actually had fun learning and finishing projects in this class.

Three major projects in this class were ‘Data Project’, ‘Curation Project’, and ‘Design Thinking Project’. All these three projects helped students taking DTC 101 to learn about the technology in the past and the technology we are using today, identifying problems or inconvenience, how to solve problems with technology, copyright, and how to use the technology we have today in our society.

          I have learned a lot during the curation project because this project taught me how copyright works and the existence of public domain. I was aware of works being free copyrighted, but I never knew where to find them, and the signs they use for copyrighted work and those are not.

          My favorite project, which I enjoyed working on, was the last project called ‘Design Thinking Project’. This project taught me how ‘Design Thinking’ process works with 5 steps: empathize, define, ideation, prototype, and test. This project was fun and interesting to work on because it did not make me work on a problem in real life, but I had to make an app for the fantasy world. I probably changed a lot of my design for this project before finishing up because I had to come up with an idea, and design all by myself. As I was designing new ideas kept coming up, so I had to design them and test out which one is the best outcome. The major change would be the color and interface design. I wanted to make a design which is very simple to use and easy to look at. 
